How to Generate Test Cases with Automation Tools

How to Generate Test Cases with Automation Tools

In the rapidly evolving domain of software development, ensuring the reliability and quality of applications is of paramount importance. With the growing complexity and scale of applications, relying solely on manual testing is insufficient to meet industry requirements.

This is where test automation plays a pivotal role, enabling software testers to improve efficiency, expand test coverage, and assure the confident delivery of high-quality products.

In this article, we will delve into the realm of automating test cases, delving into the core principles and methods for automating test cases proficiently. From the careful selection of suitable automation tools to the creation of enduring test cases, we will acquire the insights and expertise required to adeptly address the difficulties and potential issues associated with test automation.

Definition and Purpose of Test Cases

Test cases serve as meticulous directives outlining the steps, data inputs, and expected outcomes for a particular test scenario. Their fundamental objective is to authenticate the accuracy and efficacy of the software under examination.

If constructed thoughtfully, test cases could act as dependable points of reference for testers, developers, and stakeholders, facilitating the evaluation of the application's preparedness for deployment.

What is Test Automation?

Automated software testing utilizes specialized software tools, scripts, and frameworks to automate the creation and execution of test cases, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

This process involves the development and implementation of scripts that emulate user interactions, systematically testing various functionalities within a software application. The objective of test automation is to enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness of software testing by reducing manual efforts and automating routine tasks.

Test automation assumes a crucial role in the software development testing procedure. It complements manual testing endeavours, enabling software testers to swiftly and consistently conduct repetitive, regression, and performance tests.

Through the automation of repetitive test scenarios, testers can redirect their focus towards more intricate and exploratory facets of testing, thereby optimizing the overall testing effort.

Successful test automation requires careful planning, proper maintenance of test scripts, and continuous monitoring to ensure its effectiveness and relevance throughout the software development lifecycle.

Why We Need to Automate Our Tests?

The automation of tests is essential for several reasons, each contributing to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the software development and testing process:

Time & Cost Efficiency

Automated tests can be executed significantly faster than manual tests. This acceleration is especially crucial in scenarios where a large number of test cases need to be run frequently, such as during regression testing or continuous integration processes.

Extensive manual testing efforts are reduced by automating the tests, which can be resource-intensive and time-consuming.


Automated tests ensure that the same test conditions are applied consistently every time they are executed. This reproducibility is challenging to achieve with manual testing, where human error and variations may occur.


Automated tests perform the same set of actions and verifications consistently, eliminating the variability introduced by different testers. This consistency is vital for ensuring uniform test coverage and reliable results.

Accelerated Time-to-Market

Test automation accelerates the software development lifecycle by enabling faster testing cycles. Faster resolution of issues expedites bug fixing, leading to shorter release cycles and faster time-to-market for the software product.

Scalable and Parallel Testing

The size and complexity of software projects often grow over time. Manual testing may struggle to keep pace with the increasing demands for testing. Automated tests, on the other hand, are inherently scalable. They can efficiently handle a growing number of test cases, ensuring comprehensive coverage without a proportional increase in resources.

Furthermore, automation tools enable parallel testing, wherein multiple test cases can be executed concurrently, maximizing test coverage and reducing overall testing time.

Step-by-Step guide

Writing test cases with an automation tool involves a systematic approach to ensure clarity, coverage, and effectiveness. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you create test cases using an automation tool:

Step 1: Understand Requirements

Begin by thoroughly understanding the software requirements or user stories. This comprehension is crucial for identifying the functionalities that need to be tested.

Step 2: Identify Test Scenarios

Break down the requirements into test scenarios. Each scenario should represent a specific functionality or aspect of the application that requires testing.

Step 3: Choose an Automation Tool

Select an appropriate automation tool based on the technology stack of your application, your team's expertise, and project requirements. Common tools include Selenium for web applications, Appium for mobile apps, and JUnit or TestNG for Java-based projects.

Step 4: Set Up the Automation Environment

Install and configure the selected automation tool in your development environment. Ensure that all necessary dependencies and drivers are correctly installed.

Step 5: Create Test Suites

  • Organize your test cases into logical groups or test suites. Test suites make it easier to manage and execute related tests together.

Step 6: Define Test Case Structure

  • For each test scenario, define the structure of your test case. This includes specifying preconditions, test steps, and expected outcomes. Ensure that each test case is atomic and focuses on a single functionality.

Step 7: Write Test Scripts

  • Using the chosen automation tool, start writing test scripts that automate the test cases. Follow the syntax and conventions of the automation tool, and make your scripts modular and reusable.

Step 8: Incorporate Data and Parameters

  • If your test cases involve different sets of data, parameterize your test scripts. This allows you to execute the same test with various inputs, enhancing test coverage.

Step 9: Implement Assertions

  • Integrate assertions into your test scripts to verify that the application behaves as expected. Assertions validate whether the actual outcomes match the anticipated results.

Step 10: Handle Test Dependencies

  • Address any dependencies such as databases, APIs, or external services in your test scripts. Ensure that your automation can handle these dependencies or use mocks if needed.

Step 11: Execute Test Cases

  • Execute your automated test cases individually and as part of test suites. Observe the test results and identify any failures or unexpected behaviors.

Step 12: Debug and Refine

  • If test cases fail, debug the scripts to identify the root cause. Refine your scripts to enhance robustness and maintainability.

Step 13: Documentation

  • Document your test cases, test scripts, and any specific instructions for execution. This documentation is essential for future reference and for onboarding new team members.

Step 14: Version Control

  • If applicable, version control your test scripts. This ensures that changes are tracked, and you can revert to previous versions if needed.

Step 15: Integration with CI/CD

  • Integrate your automated test scripts into your Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. This allows for automated testing with each code commit, providing rapid feedback.

Example: Testing Login Functionality using Jest

We'll create simple tests for a user authentication module using JEST. Before running the code, we should have installed Jest and Node.

We have a user authentication module with functions like login and logout:-

// auth.js - User Authentication Module

const usersDatabase = [
  { username: 'testuser', password: 'password123' },
  // Add more user data as needed

// Function to simulate user login
const login = (username, password) => {
  // Find the user in the database
  const user = usersDatabase.find(user => user.username === username && user.password === password);

  // If the user is found, consider it a successful login
  if (user) {
    console.log(`User ${username} logged in successfully.`);
    return true;
  } else {
    console.log(`Login failed for user ${username}.`);
    return false;

// Function to simulate user logout
const logout = () => {
  // Implementation of logout logic
  // For simplicity, assume logout is always successful
  console.log('User logged out successfully.');
  return true;

module.exports = { login, logout };

Now, let's create tests for the login and logout functions using JEST:

// auth.test.js - Test Suite for User Authentication Module

const { login, logout } = require('./auth');

// Test case for user login
test('User Login', () => {
  const result = login('testuser', 'password123');
// Test case for user logout
test('User Logout', () => {
  const result = logout();

In this example:

  • We have a simple auth.js module with login and logout functions.

  • The auth.test.js file contains two test cases, one for user login and one for user logout.

  • Each test case uses the test function provided by JEST to define a test scenario.

  • The expect function is used to make assertions about the expected behaviour of the code being tested.

JEST provides a powerful and flexible testing environment for JavaScript applications, making it suitable for testing user functionalities in various contexts, including React applications and other JavaScript projects.

Test Automation with Keploy

Keploy is an AI-powered test generation and automation tool that helps developers have better e2e tests and data-mocks. It analyzes your code and generates test cases likely to expose bugs.

One of the unique things about it is that it can autogenerate tests that are more meaningful and effective than tests generated by general-purpose code completion or generation tools, as the tests and data mocks are created by capturing the real-time API calls happening in between your application and clients such as Postman, Hopscotch, cURL, or UI of your application.


Automating test cases stands as a formidable force in the quest for enhanced software quality and reliability. Through the selection of appropriate automation tools, software testers can unlock the extensive capabilities of automation. This, in turn, leads to accelerated release cycles, broader test coverage, and an overall elevation in product quality.

An integral aspect of this approach involves an embrace of test automation, coupled with a clear acknowledgement of its limitations. This helps in orchestrating a smooth integration of both manual and automated testing techniques. By doing so, testing becomes more comprehensive and adaptable, ensuring that software development processes benefit from the strengths of both methodologies.


How is Keploy different from other test automation tool?

Most of the test automation tools which are present in market are mostly semi autonomous and there's a need of manually maintain test data as well as test environments. Whereas with Keploy analyzes your code and generates test cases automatically, there is not need to create and maintain any test environment or prepare testdata beforehand, as the Test Data are dynamically generated when the application starts running.

What tools that support CI/CD Testing ?

There are several popular tools available for enabling CI/CD testing. Here are some commonly used ones:

  1. Jenkins: Although it is a CI/CD tool, Jenkins also supports test automation. It provides plugins for integrating with various testing frameworks, including Selenium, JUnit, and TestNG. Jenkins can execute automated tests as part of the CI/CD pipeline and generate reports for test results.

  2. Cucumber: Cucumber supports integration with CI/CD tools like Jenkins, allowing automated tests to be executed as part of the pipeline.

  3. Keploy: Keploy test-suite can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines to automate testing across various framework.

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